Here's a comic by Charles Burns that was published in Death Rattle Vol. 2 #1 by Kitchen Sink from 1985. This may have been the first Burns comic I ever experienced but I can't be certain after so many years. I know I bought it as a back issue a few years later along with the complete run of Death Rattle. So I'm sure I read it before I bought Curse of The Molemen from 1991 that was also published by Kitchen Sink. At this point, I can't keep track of what I read and when I bought it at the time. None of that matters. All that matters is the art. I'm posting this because I don't think this has ever been reprinted before, at least not in America. It's a fantastic story that feels like Burns was thrown into a large vat of EC newsprint mixed with an early 80s New Wave cocktail imploding quietly into a perfect storm of a short story. If it's been reprinted please let me know.
Cover by Richard Corben